Frequently Asked Questions

Life’s journey isn’t always smooth, and it can take unexpected twists and turns that can result in opportunities, triumphs, challenges, and setbacks. We become your coach and advisor on your financial journey. Together we’ll create a strategy based on your specific values and goals. We’ll keep you focused on those goals and long-term results, meeting regularly to assess progress toward your goals and making adjustments when necessary.

We work with busy professionals and retirees who want confidence. We can’t predict the future, but we know how to plan for it. We provide a comprehensive analysis of potential scenarios, such as the impact that market conditions will have on your investments, to measure your financial plan’s overall probability of success. We believe financial freedom is a long-term marathon, not a short-term sprint.

While our office is in Atlanta, almost half of our clients live outside the metro Atlanta area. Today’s virtual world enables us to connect with you no matter where you live.

Instead of having a minimum investment requirement, we prefer to handle every situation on a case-by-case basis. We work with clients in two main ways: comprehensive financial planning and strategic wealth management. We recommend setting up an introductory meeting in our office or via Zoom to discuss your specific needs.

Your first meeting with us is always complimentary. We want to understand what you’re looking for and discuss your goals and concerns. We will explain our philosophy and our financial planning process. This initial conversation lets us decide if we are a good fit for each other.

Clients trust us to see their goals to the finish line. No matter where you start, it can be a daunting task to plan for your financial future. Each person has a unique situation, requiring a personalized financial plan. We want to get to know you to help make the best decisions possible. We use tools to look at your situation from multiple angles. We create an investment strategy based on your specific values, goals, time horizon and risk tolerance.

Our goal is to grow your assets over the long term, balancing your agreed-upon levels of risk with the potential for future returns. We build a diversified portfolio of investments utilizing a range of asset classes, including equities (domestic and international stocks including large cap, mid cap, small cap, and emerging markets), fixed income (long-term, intermediate, short-term, inflation-protected and government bonds), alternatives (real estate and commodities like oil and precious metals), and cash or cash equivalents (bank certificates of deposit and money markets). Asset allocation is an investment strategy that seeks to use different classes of assets to diversify a portfolio’s overall volatility and return over time, with the goal of lowering overall investment risk.

There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

We invest for the long haul, not the short term. We run marathons, not sprints.

We are committed to always serving our clients’ best interests and avoiding conflicts of interest. It is our duty to exercise prudence and maintain integrity in our actions. This is how we sincerely and wholeheartedly approach every relationship.

Most people think all financial planners are “certified,” but this isn’t true. A Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) has met rigorous qualifications for financial planning. And a CFP® with dual certification as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) means we understand both your tax planning and wealth management strategies and can take an integrated, comprehensive approach to grow your wealth over a lifetime, not just this tax year. In addition, our multi-disciplinary team of strategic partners can see the big picture of your financial strategy and identify innovative methods to manage your money. As you begin to consider how best to manage your financial future, you should feel confident knowing that you have a team with over five decades of combined experience, giving you the individualized attention you deserve.

We provide two services: financial planning and strategic wealth management. We offer financial planning at a flat fee starting at $3500 for a one-time engagement.

Strategic wealth management is fee-based, calculated as a percentage of the assets we manage for you. We take an integrated approach to strategic wealth management, including comprehensive financial planning, expert investment management, and tax planning.

Both services begin with an in-depth review of your situation – your goals, objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance. Our financial plans include tax strategies, education planning, investment analysis, estate planning, insurance analysis, and retirement planning. Some clients begin with a financial plan and then decide to move forward with wealth management. In such cases, we credit their planning fee toward the wealth management fee. Others start with wealth management, and we may work on financial planning in stages over time.

We invite you to schedule a free consultation with us, and we can discuss your financial situation to evaluate which option might work best for you.

Today’s world of financial planning is complex. You need a team with experience and knowledge to help you navigate uncertain times and significant financial decisions. The decisions you make and the strategies you choose today can have far-reaching impacts. Making the wrong choices can mean not reaching your goals. Confidence comes from knowing you have a plan in place no matter what happens with the economy.

Our comprehensive process considers all the moving parts of your financial life and their potential impact on your most important goals. We are attuned to look for blind spots that you may not see. We add value through personalized services, such as financial planning, tax planning, retirement planning, and investment strategies.

Investors can be driven by emotion. Selling during market instability and abandoning your well-thought-out investment plans may mean taking significant losses. This could also mean chasing yesterday’s winners, allowing your portfolio to drift away from your planned allocation. The value of working with an advisor is the discipline and guidance you gain as you build and protect your wealth. We meet regularly to monitor your progress and keep you on track. Wherever you are on this journey, we’re here to help.

Start planning to
go the distance

Optimize your investment, tax, insurance,
and retirement planning strategies at every
stage of the race.

Schedule an
introductory meeting

Discuss your current situation and make
an informed decision about
working together.