
Client Forms and Planning Resources


Financial Planning

What Is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is simply a better approach to get qualified financial advice. The process involves taking a holistic view at your finances, including a full understanding your values, financial objectives and main concerns, that will guide financial recommendations. Read More

Financial Independence

Pursue Financial Independence

A solid investment strategy can help you pursue fi nancial independence. But to be truly e ective, any investment strategy must be customized to your unique situation. Read More

Fee-Based Relationship

Making the Switch To a Fee-Based Relationship

If you’re ready to make the change, your financial professional can help you easily transition your accounts if it’s appropriate for you. Read More

Retirement Planning

The Basics of Retirement Planning

When it comes to retirement planning, there are a number of savings vehicles to choose from as well as investment options to understand and consider. Read More

Social Security

The Basics of Social Security

If you feel confused or unsure about Social Security, you’re not alone. According to Nationwide Retirement Institute’s “2022 Annual Consumer Survey on Social Security” Read More

Estate Planning

The Basics of Estate Planning

Most people don’t spend too much time thinking about end-of-life planning on a daily basis. But you may have loved ones who will soon face these issues Read More

Five Retirement Points for Five Years Before You Retire

Retirement is an exciting prospect for many and choosing how to spend your retirement could likely be based on the planning you do today.

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Marathon Financial Strategies

Mid-Year Outlook: Still Waiting for the Turn

Expanding on our initial 2024 Outlook, “A Turning Point,” this midyear update offers fresh insights into the economic and market landscape, along with their potential impact on investment portfolios... Read More

Marathon Financial Strategies

Legacy Blueprint: Will, Estate Planning and Next-Gen Involvement

We’ve all read or heard the stories. Someone passes away without a will, and potential heirs sharpen their knives in a free-for-all that can take years to play out in court... Read More

Marathon Financial Strategies

The Dow Closed Above 40k. What Does it Mean for You?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average just closed above 40,000 for the first time, the latest pop in what’s been a surprisingly good year for Wall Street... Read More

Macro. Market. Movers.

Financial Planning
Schedule an introductory meeting to discuss your current situation and make an informed decision about working together.